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Our widget gives you the opportunity to show your rating, reviews and assurances directly on your webshop. We strongly recommend to use the widget configuration in the dashboard, also as a visual tool to aid the programmatic configuration. For our widgets we're using the cutting edge technology Web Components. In order to make them work you will need to enable your Sidebar from the plugin or manually add the code. If you don't want to have a sidebar, simply disable it from your Dashboard, but keep the code on your site. Otherwise, the widget won't appear.


<valued-widget layout="reviews"></valued-widget>

The code places the widget on the location where the code is placed. Because the widgets are now connected to the Sidebar, they earn from its benefits.
Now the language is automatically detected, based on your Sidebar configuration in the Dashboard.


layout string (required)

  • The layout of the widget- "badges", "reviews" etc.
  • Layouts: badgesballoonbuttonmenureviewsstar-view

theme string (Default: dark)

  • Supported values: light or dark.
  • Layouts: badgesballoonbuttonmenureviewsstar-view

size string (Default: small)

Some of the widgets have different sizes.

  • Supported values: small, medium, big
  • Layouts: balloonbuttonmenureviews

Note: The layout "balloon" doesn't support the value "big"

amount integer (Default: 6)

  • Supported values: 1-6
  • Layouts: reviews

Note: Be careful when using this attribute for reviews widget sizes "medium" and "big". The design is made so it displays 3 or 4 reviews minimum. Setting the value to a lower number may break them.

align string (Default: center)

  • Supported values: left, center or right
  • Layouts: badgesballoonbuttonmenureviewsstar-view

tooltip string (Default: enable)

  • Supported values: enable, disable
  • Layouts: balloonbuttonmenu